18 08, 2023

What is an FHA loan?

2023-09-18T14:16:19-05:00Uncategorized|0 Comments

What is an FHA loan? Most of us have heard the term “FHA” before, but do you really know what it means? FHA is an abbreviation for Federal Housing Administration, which is just a fancy way of saying, a government-backed mortgage program. The FHA was created by the U.S. government [...]

26 05, 2023

How is my mortgage rate calculated?

2023-07-17T14:08:48-05:00Blog|0 Comments

How is my mortgage rate calculated? There are many factors involved in determining a mortgage loan interest rate. Some are within your control, and some are entirely outside of your control. Mortgage Rate Factors You Can Control: • Your Credit Score • Your Down Payment • Purpose of Mortgage Loan [...]

12 05, 2023

3 Mortgage Myths

2023-07-17T13:13:47-05:00Blog|0 Comments

Three Mortgage Myths You Should Know As you begin discussing the mortgage process with friends and family, you’ll likely notice that there are a lot of different opinions and conflicting advice. We’re here to bust some of the most common mortgage myths you may have heard. Mortgage Myth 1: You [...]

28 04, 2023

Get pre-approved for a mortgage loan

2023-05-09T11:50:14-05:00Blog|0 Comments

Get Pre-Approved for a Mortgage Loan. The pre-approval process for a mortgage loan is an important step in the home-buying process. So, how do you get pre-approved?  First, you should gather your financial documents, such as your W2s, pay stubs, and bank account information. Once you have everything ready, you [...]

24 03, 2023

Understanding Mortgage Terminology

2023-04-06T11:29:34-05:00Blog|0 Comments

Understanding Mortgage Terminology There are so many things to consider when researching your first home. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed when you don’t understand all the terms being thrown around. Don’t let mortgage terminology keep you in the dark. Here are the ABCs of a few keywords. Mortgage Terminology: Appraisal, [...]

10 03, 2023

What is a Conventional Loan?

2023-04-06T11:21:17-05:00Blog|0 Comments

Is a Conventional Loan best for you? When purchasing your first home, you may be wondering what type of loan to consider. Although the answer is complex, the right answer for many home buyers is a conventional loan. A conventional loan is a type of mortgage loan that is not [...]

10 02, 2023

What is a Mortgage Broker?

2023-04-06T11:10:29-05:00Blog|0 Comments

What is a Mortgage Broker? It’s no secret that buying a home can be one of the most stressful things a person can go through. According to a survey from Zillow, half of the homebuyers said they cried at least once during the process! They even compared it to [...]

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